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Ortofon 2M Blue Cartridge tested with Ortofon Test Record and Oscilloscope

- Link: Ortofon Test Record

- Stylus force: 1,85 gr.

- Anti skating: anti skating force (same as stylus force) adjusted with force scale of control knob.
- Later modified and best setting is 0,6 x stylus foce in reference to the tracking ability 100um

- Link: VTA IEC Protractor

- Azimuth and tone arm adjustment with set square

- Player: Sonoro Platinum

- Oscilloscope: Rigol, 100MHz, 4 Channels

- Signal input from player build in pre amplifier and direct from cartridge


Crosstalk test between left and right channels, signal from preamp:
Below, #3, you will find the values for the channel separation calculation


Tracking ability, signal from preamp:

Square wave, 2,7msec, duty: 3:7, signal from preamp:


Crosstalk test between left and right channels, signal direct from cartridge:
The channel separation is according the 2M Blue specification.

Channel Separation= 20xLog (Vpp 14.4mV/Vpp 0.8mV)--> 25.1dB

Tracking abillity, signal direct from catridge:

Square wave, 2,5 msec, duty 3:7, signal direct from cartridge:

Screen shot, (signal direct cartridge and from preamp, RIAA) from "jjones3" of forum