Welcome to my Amateur Radio Homepage
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Current Propagation

My Callsign:    DG8FBV
Starting  as SWL:  1970
Licensed since:  1980
QTH:  Babenhausen, Hessen, Germany
QTH Coordinates:   49° 58´ 09´´  N,     8° 57´ 20´´  E
QTH Locator:     JN49LX
Local Area Radio Club, DARC:   DOK  F59, Heusenstamm/Mühlheim


  DARC,    German Amateur radio Club
American Radio Relay League
 Feld-HELL Club,   
Feld-HELL Club #728
DX Cluster
WB4QOJ.no-ip.org    Port 7373
Skimmer functions:

includes FT4, FT8, CW, RTTY, PSK
(default CW and RTTY, others must specific entered)


SET/FT8 (same for the other modes)

SET/NOFT8 (same as for other modes)

Online-Log Search

Confirmed DXCCs (current & deleted):
Deleted DXCCs countries by the ARRL are still valid if the QSOs/QSLs are dated before deletion

Worked DXCCs (current & deleted):
Deleted DXCCs countries by the ARRL are still valid if the QSOs/QSLs are dated before deletion

ClubLog DXCC listing Worked/Confirmed shows only current DXCC countries (all modes)

Last 50 contacts (...only DX Stations, outside Europe and European Special Call Signs):


Starting 1970 as a SWL my first favorites on shortwave were international broadcasting stations,
PTT utility and later amateur radio stations.

Since 1980 I am a licensed amateur radio station equipped for working on VHF/UHF up to 440 MHz
and since August 2003 also for shortwave and 50 MHz.


Greetings from Germany,  meet you on the bands.......
73 de Thomas,
DG8FBV, Babenhausen, GERMANY